Wednesday 25 May 2016

What to know about Corporate Governance in Kenya

Corporate governance in Kenya continues to play a very important of ensuring that corporations in the country are governed well and as a result they are able to grow.

We need to understand that for any corporation or organization to email relevant in the world its important they as an organization they look for innovative ways of adopting their corporate governance practices if they want to ensure that they meet the new demands and also be able to grasp new opportunities.

For any company to grow it’s needs to retain its shareholders and this can only be achieved by ensuring that its corporate value is increasing.
Corporate Governance Research

Objectives of corporate governance in Kenya


One of the objectives of corporate governance is ensuring that there is a properly  structured board which is able and capable of taking independent and objective decisions.


The other role of Corporate governance is to ensure that there will be a balance, especially in regards to the representation of adequate number of non executive and independent directors who will be able to take care of the interest of all the stakeholders.

Effective machinery

Corporate governance also plays a very important role in ensuring that there is an effective machinery to deal with all stakeholders’ concerns. It also ensures that they are informed of all the relevant developments that may have an impact on the company.


It also gives the board of directors the mandate to effectively and regularly monitor the functioning of the management team. It also ensures that the board remains in effective control of the affairs of the company at all times.

This helps the board to adopt transparent procedures and practices and arrives at decisions on the strength of adequate information.

Benefits of Corporate Governance Research

Ensures Sustainability

For an organization to be able to sustain itself, Corporate governance has to play a part. This is normally done through the corporate governance research where the heads are tasked with the role of getting the details on how they can run the company successfully.

 Helps in combating competition and external pressures

Since Corporate governance helps organizations and companies to identify their competitors, it becomes easier for the company to deal with external pressures effectively without seeking any assistance from somewhere else.

Helps achieve good results

With the Corporate governance research, a company will easily identify the strengths and weaknesses they may be having and how they can improve on them. Remember a corporation  that is aware of its strengths and weaknesses is more likely to be more productive because they do understand who they really are and work hard to show their worth.


It’s very important that an employer gets to understand his/her employees. This is very crucial in ensuring that people work towards one goal which is to grow the company. Being able to know and understand employees helps in identifying their strengths and weaknesses, thus ensuring that duties and roles are assigned according to the employee’s abilities.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

About hand water pumps for Africa

Hand water pumps for Africa have been in the records as the most sort after pumps across east Africa and the main reason being because they are more economical  than the other pumps.

Many people view these pumps as the best solution to supply water in rural areas and suburban environments. These pumps also help to eliminate the risks of people  and children falling into open wells.

The hygiene under which water is drawn off is also improved when using hand water pumps since the use of buckets of uncertain cleanliness is eliminated. These therefore limits the spread of water borne diseases.

It’s therefore important that one understands the things to look out when buying a hand water pump so as not to make a mistake of buying the wrong type of pump. This will help ensure that people do not waste their money buying pumps which are later later abandoned because they were not the right pumps for a particular job.
Water pumps for Africa

Some of these pumps have been abandoned because of the ability to obtain spare parts or the services of a qualified repair technician. It’s therefore important that one chooses a pump model that is best suited both technically as well as in terms of cost of maintenance.

How to choose hand water pumps in Africa

Economic environment

As I have discussed earlier, the choice of a water pump does not only depend on the technical criteria and its price, but it also depends on the economic environment  that how the local will be able to maintain or repair the pump as well as finding the right spare parts. 

One therefore needs to gather various information such as the desired pump flow rate, the quality of the water table, the price range, the depth of the well or borehole, and the pumps type of use.

The importance of maintenance

Pump maintenance is very important, especially in ensuring that a pump functions well and also increases the lifespan of a pump. This is why it’s important that one puts in mind various factors when buying a hand pump so as to ensure that the whole process of maintenance becomes easier.

Country of manufacture

It’s always important to check this out when buying a pump. This is because a pump manufactured your country will be easier to maintain as well as get the spare parts as compared to those manufactured in another country.


One should also check out the simplicity of the pump mechanism and how easily its maintenance can be accessed.

The pump should also have the ability to withstand the presence of sand or corrosive elements, or the water point created. The community should also be able to operate and maintain the pump themselves, thus it should not be complicated.

Well the above tips just show one why it's important to keep a pump maintained and by the right people for it to last longer.

I believe the tips on how to buy hand pumps for Africa will be of help to those seeking to buy this kind of pump.