Thursday 10 March 2016

How to select the best publishing company in Kenya

The process of getting the best publishing company in Kenya a hectic activity, it can also be an easy one if one understands what he/she needs to have and do.

The first step is writing a book first, then in, the rest will follow. It is quite early to start asking about publishing a book which you haven’t written yet. Though I wouldn’t say it is bad because it is also better to start planning for that early enough.

Most editors will want to see the end product and not you telling them that you want to write a book. This is why you need to ensure that you have the right skills and discipline to complete a full length book.

Let’s look at some of the important factors one needs to consider when choosing the best publishing company in Kenya.
Publishing company in Kenya

Choosing the best publishing company in Kenya

Define your audience

One needs to know and understand his/her audience. Ask yourself these questions; who is my target audience?, what is the book about?. Most editors will ask you such questions and as such you need to know.

Being able to answer the above questions will also help you get the best and appropriate publisher. One also needs to identify the genre or category his/her book falls into. This very important, especially in ensuring that you do not get into trouble by choosing the wrong category for your book.

Research the market

Just like buying a product from the market whereby you have to do some research, you also need to research about the market. This will help you identify who publishes books like yours. If you are writing children’s book, find out who publishes these kind of books.

Do your homework

You also need to do your homework very well regarding the publishing industry. This will help you get information about promising publishers in the current writers market. These will help you get the publishers address and the editor to contact.

The publishers market will also tell you what a publishing company is buying, its rates and how to approach the editor.

Prepare your manuscript

This is one of the areas that one needs to use to sell his/her work. Many editors won’t even look at a manuscript that isn’t prepared professionally. You therefore need to type and print your manuscript on a high quality white bond paper.

You should never use erasable paper, as well as a dot-matrix printer. If you do not have a high quality manuscript, its better that you take your disk to a copy center that offers the use of a laser printer.

Remember, you need to have good stuff and also you need to ensure that you choose the best publishing company among many to produce a good end product.

Many people do not really understand the importance of being able to choose the publishing company in Kenya which can produce good publications.

Tips on how to choose the best electronics in Kenya

The process of buying electronics in Kenya can be hectic, especially if one doesn’t have an idea of what to look out for.

One needs to understand the various factors which are very important and of which will determine one buying a good electronic gadget or not.

It doesn’t matter if you want to buy a TV, Computer or even a phone. The most important thing is to get the best and at a great price.

Let's look at some of the most important factors one needs to look out for before buying any electronic.
Electronics in Kenya

Tips for buying electronics in Kenya

Do your research

It doesn’t matter if you like shopping from a store more than online. The most important thing is to use the internet to find products, their reviews and customer comments. This will help you compare prices between multiple vendors.

Check auction sites and classified ads

It’s also a good idea for one to try and check for goods on the auction sites and the classified ads. As much as auction sites are known to sell used items, it’s not a bad idea to try checking out on this sites because one could easily find something which is actually as good as new.

Ask about price guarantees

This is also another factor many people forget to factor in. It doesn’t hurt to ask if your retailer is offering some guarantees on their prices. You will be surprised to find out that there are those stores which will honor a price drop that happened even after your purchase and will credit you the difference.

Play the waiting game

It’s always a good Idea to wait for some time before buying an item, especially if the item is new in the market. This is simply because goods tend to be very expensive when they are being introduced in the market.

Just relax because the prices will drop over time. One of the benefits of waiting for some time before buying is that this gives time to the companies to study the goods, fix glitches, add more features and also make some changes where necessary. 

Go digital

Times have changed and many people have gone into doing things digitally. Its there important that one embraces the new technology if you want to keep up with the changing trends in the world. This way you  will be able to get all the information on how to buy or rent an electronic gadget digitally.

The best thing about this is that it helps one save a lot on the amount of money he/she will spend on the entire purchase.

Being able to choose the best kind of electronic gadget will ensure that you have a less trouble with the gadget and it that it will serve you well and for a long time.